Your Tree Warden

GTC values its private/public partnership and is most fortunate to work closely with Town Tree Warden, Dr. Gregory Kramer. The Town Tree Warden approves the locations of GTC tree plantings and determines the appropriate species and varietals. Additionally, he generously lends his expertise for seasonal tree walks in town parks and on private lands.

In his capacity as Town Tree Warden, Dr. Kramer seeks to protect trees and has the authority to rule on whether construction projects on public properties are permitted to remove mature trees. When permission is granted for tree removal, the Town Tree Warden determines the number of trees that will need to be planted as replacement.

Click here for information on the Town of Greenwich Public Tree Policy and application for work on town trees.

Dr. Gregory Kramer

Town of Greenwich, Department of Parks & Recreation
Superintendent of Parks and Trees Division / Town Tree Warden


Phone:  203.622.7824