Please Support GTC in Planting, Preserving and Protecting Trees

2024 brought growth and change to the Greenwich Tree Conservancy!


We are thrilled to welcome Kate Dzikiewicz as Executive Director. We reached new milestones with over 6500 trees planted in partnership with the town and over 1,250 trees labeled in our internationally recognized town-wide Arboretum.


Educational programs featured an expert tree care panel, workshops on pruning and white oak acorn propagation, and speakers on topics such as e World of the Magnificent Birch. Tree walks provided opportunities to explore the diversity of species in town parks and a new monthly Fit in the Forest program offered brisk walks in town forests.


Trees were celebrated at our 12th Arbor Day Tree Party and again at our Treasured Trees Celebration, honoring trees special to homeowners. Two additional parking lots were planted through our Parking Park Initiative, bringing shade and health benefits to these heat-inducing built environments. e Conservancy continues to advocate at tree hearings, Planning & Zoning meetings and regional committees.


A healthy tree canopy provides great beauty and resilience to the challenge of emerging diseases, increasing development and changing weather patterns.


As a a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, your donation will allow the Conservancy to continue our work and mission to plant, preserve and protect a healthy town forest for all to enjoy.


Wishing you a safe and joyful holiday season!