Tree Advocacy

As part of our vision, GTC advocates for policies and funding that will integrate tree protection and stewardship into community planning. As a part of our advocacy, GTC assisted in the formation of the Town Public Tree Ordinance that protects town trees and regularly testifies at Town Tree and Land Use hearings. Additionally, GTC advocates at the CT General Assembly and State Commissions.


Below are several of our Advocacy testimonials and editorials


Letter in support of Marissa Gillett


Environmental Comm Testimony HJ 37 2-27-2023 FINAL


Testimony from GTC re Raised Bill 6744- Transp Comm


GTC Testimony on H.B. 5108


HB6610 Env Comm Testimony 2-14-2023 GTC FINAL


Letter to the Editor 2.3.2023


SB 122 Testimony 0130


Western Middle School remediation 1.17.2023


GTC Letter to PURA 6-6-2022 FINAL














CTDOT Project 0056-0316 Repairs to I-95 Exits 2-6 Feb19 2021 FINAL


Eversource TESTIMONY TO PURA Docket No 20-01-01 ^0 20-08-03 20Aug